The latest newbie at Corbin Fisher was the 6’1″ Tate with a 12″ shoe size. His cock was measured at 5.5 inches. Does size matter in gay porn?

Speaking of Corbin Fisher, two of their models were in a photo shared on X by Bareback+ – Beckett (aka Ryan Rush) and Chris (aka Christopher White).

And what is up with dates? The latest scene of Evan was added in 1969.

As for Boys Halfway House, is it on brand that one of their models has a fungal infection? [h/t David]

CF: size does not matter and 5.5 inches is a pretty good size. His solo was good and I feel like if they make him too, it’s gonna be good.
BHH: I’m so surprised they let him film a scene with a jock itch. It’s not an STD but I’m pretty sure it can transfer over. Also, the model’s skin folds like his armpits and thighs being that dark is a little concerning. Idk he needs to go to a doctor, maybe it’s diabetes. Jock itches can be more common with people with diabetes.
Yes, size does matter – particularly in a solo scene – but although Tate’s genitals are smaller than average he partially compensates by appearing as a cute boy-next-door with an attractive twink body, just enough hair in all the right places, and very suckable nipples.
I was disappointed not to get a good view of his bottom but that is hardly Tate’s fault.
Most important, he seems to enjoy being with boys, so I look forward to his boy/boy debut. That’s the real test of porn talent.
Regarding to newbie on CF, I think he’s not typical twink on Helix, but he’s cuter.
Remind me of helix’s golden times with good-looking twinks(example: Ethan helms, Addison Graham & Devin Holt)
Size doesn’t matter to me, I love all kind of gay guys.
I’m no size queen. Penis is penis for me. As long as the guy is clean and safe with his sexual practices then we’re good.
As for the BHH scene, I’m wondering what the pay was for that top cause I’m seeing some true deal breakers. I know production time has costs and all but if one of my models showed up looking roughed up between his legs etc… the shoot would’ve had to have been called off or there would’ve had to be an alternative route.
If there’s anything that could possibly contaminate, it’s game over. I’m hoping that model went to medical pros to get evaluated and get treatment. It’s not a knock on him or to feel any sense of shame but it could be something that could affect his health. Also when it does clear up love, do find a different studio than BHH.
> Is the guy on the right Drake Von or Silas Brooks?
The diamond stud in his ear means it’s Drake, I think. At least based on other photos of them recently.
twinks with big feet are my weakness. a plus if they’re latino or asian.
Yeah, if a guy knows how to properly perform, then dick size is, pardon the pun, a huge non-issue.
If we’re being honest here, current gay porn suffers from the opposite problem: the saturation of perfomers who use having a big dick as a crutch to make up for juat shoving it in and doing little to nothing else.
This is specially true in the amateur circles, where the amount of guys with “XXL” in their stage names is so huge to the point of parody. Not only that, but they also suffer from the exact problem I described: boring performances, boring performances everywhere.
Truly snooze worthy. Those guys never do anything but show themselves from waist down plowing someone. No versatility. I like seeing my top get their asses rimmed or show some passion. Sometimes I like seeing the top in the middle of the action switch it up, have the bottom take a break and do some other forms of sexual contact. Frottage, hand stuff, 69, something.