Cameron Marshall “I got banned from Grindr for saying I’m not interested in women. Why am I not allowed to be a gay man on fucking Grindr.”

It’s a health concern for straight male porn stars to film with crossover porn star.

Baxxx “Updating my dating profiles to: “looking for someone to pick me up from surgeries so I don’t have to keep calling my parents or Grandma”.

A position to try at home.

Did he film for FTM+?

A summer (?) series from Men.

aka Bo Sinn

This week’s posts sure are interesting, specially after the slow last few weeks we got.
Let’s see:
Cameron: Grindr has been on this sorry state for years, so this is no suprise. It’s a shit app operated by a shitty corporation which has been trying to market itself for straight people recently due to the suits behind it taking the gay audience as a given and the straights as an opportunity of expansion.
All of this whole “inclusion” speak is just window dressing to protect their own corporate interests.
Also, by the way, you know what’s very interesting? A lot of men on Grindr are expressing their disinterest in men on their profiles openly with no reluctancy or repression from the platform itself.
Audience members may be asking themselves: Isn’t this discrimination, by Grindr’s own rules? Yes, but fuck it, I guess. Who cares?! They’re discriminating gay men, so it’s completely fine.
Now, while the gay world and perfomers bend over backward to appease the straight side of the industry, said side can’t afford to lose a single opportunity to express how disgusted they are by those who do gay porn. Isn’t that true, Cliffy boy?
While the entire gay industry pushes for more and more inclusion by shoving straight content on gay sites, the straight industry just doesn’t give a shit.
This just makes the likes of Drew Dixxon, who completely destroyed his own carrer on gay porn trying to appease the straight world, even more of a sad case.
One last thing: notice how Cliffy here is using kiddy gloves when adressing this issue. If it was a gay men on the other side, would he show such kindness? I doubt it.
Grindr became more aggressive about capturing the het audience after their stock became publicly traded. The company is moving in that direction anyway so let the straights and queers have it. It’s not like gay men owe them anything.
I’m not surprised grindr is alienating gay men, especially when gay men refuse to abandon the app for an alternative. Any alternative. What riles me is the deliberate push to break up spaces meant for homosexuals, and how homophobic colonizers cry victim and successfully have gay males and Lesbians kicked off platforms.
Recently discovered Sam Holister. Cute, versatile, hot.
I agree: he’s cute and always smiling. He gives the impression of really enjoying himself.
Xavier Zane is a mess. Maybe he can console himself by fucking his female neighbours some more.
I am glad I’ve never gone on Grindr., especially with this news of vaginal gentrification.
So, that Jensen doll is meant to be a scarecrow or something? Oh, and Chlamydia Cliff…..maybe they heard about your self publicized issue with Spikey Dee with your twin burning dicks.
Henrik Sommer has been playing the suicide card for years. Feel sorry for his mum. As for him. Shit or get off your self destructive toilet.
Cameron, that’s ironic seeing as how you were one of the original straight-for-pay, crossover performers back in the day.
I’m starting to think MacNamara is more of a pimp than a director.